K Siva Reddy's poem translated
Just this half day
Let this half day be over
Silently, neatly
Sans regrets, sans consecrations
Let this half day be over
Sans worry about morrow
Sans slipping and haste
Sans turmoil, unending sorrow
Just this half day
Washing each half day the same half day
and drying
At least this half day without tears
Without famines and droughts
Poor courts, false prejudices
Galloping horse not dying suddenly
Just this half day
Yesterday is irrelevant
Tomorrow out of context
Just this half day I shall
Turn me into myself
Hide me under my own eyes
Into a healthy point
Opening doors
First step of journey
Next step, Last step
That all be one
After nights, after highways
Stop scampering
Just this half day
On my own
With my own guard – my paradise
Without any other shadows touching
Without any foot prints marking
Just this half day, all mine, all yours
For all of us shall we make it
Shall we get it released from jail!