Sunday, July 27, 2014

Gadi Padyam from K Siva Reddy’s Gatha

The Room Poem

This room remaining silent is a poem
Garimella on the wall, behind the window panes
heads of the swaying flower plants
Curtain hanging just free
Spring door standing with folded hands
Clock running lamely
Ventilator glasses hanging slant
Ceiling fan running with two minds whether or not to
Empty chair, water bottle
National flag hanging on a small stand
Old calendar that forgot time
                                Two bureaus like pregnant women
A towel next to the sink, a soap cake
Burning electric lamp long
                                What else would be there in a room
                                In spite of all this in the room
                                                                There has to be a person
With a person the room turns into a live river

It would be a dead coffee cup

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