Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sheik Chinna Moulana - Nadaswaram

Moula Saheb, as he is dearly called by the rasikas was a great man.
He is one among the five people from Andhra Pradesh to have been the recepient of coveted "Sangita Kalanidhi" title of Madras Music Academy.

Following is a part of the write up about the Maestro in Hindu.
Chinna Moula - chinna in this case meant younger, as against pedda or the elder - might have remained a provincial musician had he not learnt to combine the Thanjavur style of music with that of his native school; in the event, he was accepted as a nagaswara vidwan of great merit in Tamil country. His hero was Nagaswara Chakravarti T.N. Rajarathnam Pillai, whose birth centenary was celebrated two months ago. There was poignancy when Chinna Moula, delivering his presidential address at the Music Academy's annual festival last December, said that he would place the Sangeeta Kalanidhi title at the "feet" of the late Rajarathnam Pillai before accepting it; poignancy because the Academy had not deemed it fit to honour Rajarathnam with the title, apparently because he had thumbed his nose at the establishment.

The Academy chose to honour Chinna Moula for a combination of reasons. First, no nagaswara vidwan had been given the title for 37 years. Secondly, Chinna Moula was an outstanding exponent of the nagaswara, a maestro no less, with a large following. Thirdly, he hailed from Telugu country and it would be in keeping with the image of the Music Academy as an all-India organisation to go beyond the boundaries of Tamil land to honour an 'outsider', although Chinna Moula had lived in Srirangam, near Tiruchi, for many years and acquired the status of an honorary Tamil. Finally, as the nation celebrated the 50th anniversary of Independence, it was fitting to honour a man who symbolised not only linguistic but religious harmony.

Here is an exceptionally good recording of Maoula Saheb's Nadaswaram.
Not many would do a RTP on Nadaswaram.


01 RTP Todi Adi.mp3 (30 mts)
02 Jagadoddharana kapi Adi.mp3
03 Murugan Endradume Ragamalika.mp3
04 Magudi.mp3
05 Laali.mp3
06 Note.mp3


Let us enjoy good music!

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