Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Chips are Down! - Poem

This is a poem I wrote a few days back!

Do you also feel or felt like this sometime?
You must have!

My chips are down

My chips are down, I know!
I know, I have to lift them up and that
No one else can do that!
No one would even notice and worry that my chips are down.

My chips are down
Not because of me but the others.
The others who say and do things to me and about me.
The others who do not say are do not do things to me and about me.
I forgive them since they do not know what they are saying or doing.
I forgive them that they do not know what they are not saying or doing.
That they do not know what they are doing to me.

My chips are down since I think.
I think and think.
I also think that the chips are down.
If I don’t, also they are down.
So, I think and think.
I also think about the chips being down.
My chips are down.
It is good if I do not know that they are down.
It is good if I know that they are down.
It is good if I know that I can lift them up.
It is good if I know that only I can lift them up.
When I know all these things, are my chips really down?

My chips are down.
Who cares if my chips are down?
When I am happy, may be the world, if there is one around me notices it.
That too, if I allow it to look at me.
If I keep quiet like always, no wonder no one notices.
My chips are down not for others to be noticing them.
I am not seen even when I am shattered and scattered.
I am not seen when elated either.
In such a case what does it matter if the chips are down or up?

But, all the same, my chips are down.
My chips are down since I am the way I am.
I know that no one is responsible for that.
I know that and that is the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful poem Gopalamji. Poem as well as the sketch. Are you an artist.
    Regards, Ram.E
