Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sumati Padyam on Leadership

ఒక యూరికి నొక కరణము
నొక తీర్పరియైనగాక నొగి దరచైనన్
గకవికలు గాక యుండునె?
సకలంబును గొట్టువడక సహజము సుమతీ

Oka yUriki noka karaNamu
noka tIrpariyainagAka nogi daracainan
gakavikalu gAka yunDune?
sakalambunu gottuvadaka sahajamu sumatI

ఒక యూరికిన్ = For a village

ఒక కరణము = One accountant

ఒక తీర్పరియైనగాక = One Judge

ఒగి దరచైనన్ = If there are more

గకవికలు గాక యుండునె? = Would it not be confusion?

సకలంబును = Everything

గొట్టువడక = without becoming problematic

సహజము = It is natural

సుమతీ = Oh the Wise one

These days we talk of collective leadership.
The management may be good enough as long as there is harmony among the leaders .
We are witness to the problems of collective leadership at the top level.
Half the time the leaders spend their days in keeping the flock together.
Baddena identified this problem long ago.
He says there should be only one person looking after the money matters of the village.
Karanams were the revenue officers at the village level till recently.
There cannoot be more than one such officer for a village says the poet.
Similarly the one who discharges justice at the village also should be only one person.
This is a point for discussion now!
If there is only one person giving judgements would he become autocratic?
History has such examples.
The poets questions that if there are more people involved in the affairs of the village, would it not naturally lead the situation into chaos?
It is always told that too many cooks spoil the broth.
Poet thus recommends a solid leadership!
On th whole he means that we have to be conscious about the quality of teh leadership and think well before selecting a leader. 
The verses in the Satakams are based on the collective experiences.
With passing times some of these ideas may call for a review.
Classic wisdom makes us think!!

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