Saturday, March 27, 2010

Seela Subhadra Devi - Poem

It is rare that husband and wife are good poets and short story writers.
Seela couple have that distinction.
After entering sixtieth year Subhadra Devi published a compilation of her poems.
It contains nearly 200 of her works.
Couple of them are long poems.
Prof N Gopi released the book at a meeting attended by serious lovers of poetry.
Candid discussion on the situation of poetry and the qualoty of the poetry being released ensued.
There was almost no time left for the poet to read her own poems.

Interestingly I read the translations of one of her poems.
Later she read out the original!!
I consider it an honour!!

Here is the poem in my humble English version.

A poem Alive

Locking the latch on the door
binding teh dreams underneath the eyebrows
I shift the tired being onto the bed

A little while rest or not
matters from yonder in the past rising like cobras
knocking on the hearts doors
Hiss, spewing embers!

Even if I want to get up with a shudder
Sleep ties the body down.

In a short while
Slowly raising and holding the eyelids
Dreams drool out a little by little
They start prancing around
words hewn with dreamy threads
Keep moving all through the night

I keep muttering in sleep
That it would ahve been good if I awoke once
To spread teh haert as paper
And make a packet of garlands of poems

When I want to move my hand still ahlf asleep,
Little baby asleep, closely clutching may hand, would shudder.

Me again into deep sleep.

When eyes open after daybreak,
Dreams hidden in them are lost!
Stanzas that I composed and concealed in the heart are lost!

Me remaining with no reaction!

When I look back,
With my poems strung in her ankle bells,
Coaxing me to catch her,
There is teh little one
Full of smiles!!

(Original poem "Sajeeva Kavita" by Seela Subhadra Devi)

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