Saturday, February 6, 2010

Universality of Music - A feature

Sri N S Srinivasan was an excellent producer of radio features.
He was a writer of features, articles, radio dramas and many more things.
He was really versatile person!
He has produced a good number of musical features that educated the initiated and the uninitiated equally about the various facets of classical music.
I was lucky to be associated with him in some of these productions.
My interest in classical music grew leaps and bounds because of Srinivasan.

Here is an excellent feature on the commonality in the different styles of world music.
It is named "Universality of Music."
Srinivasan won awards for this thought provoking work.
Many people asked me whether I can upload this feature.
Here it is!!

Link for download.

I Invite all the friends with an ear for music, may not be interest, to listen to this 26 minutes program.
I for myself was stunned when I listened to this for the first time.

It is an excellent work and I am sure you will agree with me after listening.

A few lines from the introduction of teh feature are also given here.



Music is a universal language. Like all other languages, the language of music also has local idioms, has its own traditions, the richness of the musical heritage of the world depends on these individual contributions of different musical traditions.

Music as the expression of the one of the important aspects of civilizations, like speech and everything connected with life and living beings, follows a particular process of evolution.

Starting from sound, this feature, within the given time, briefly deals with the origin and evolution of music. The conclusions arrived at in this feature are backed up by historical evidence and clues from Vedas and scriptures in music.


The problem of the origin of music can scarely be taken as a question of absolute beginnings. It is a matter, on the one hand, of discovering the historical evidence of the first known existence of music, and on the other, of studying systematically the conditions basic to the manifestation of music.

A comparative examination of historical and systematic evidence affords a natural and logical, if not a strictly scientific, approach to the solution of a problem, which like many other problems of origin, does not lend itself to a definite answer.

This feature will deal with the origin and development of music.

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