Saturday, January 9, 2010

M L Vasanta Kumari - Ragam Tanam Pallavi in Kalyani

We Continue our tributes to the Maestro Sri G N Balasubraniam.

Since we do not have permission to share his music,we thought it is best to listen to his prime disciples.
Now, it is time we listen to MLV!

Before that we read a few lines about her!

(This is a picture from a well known site. Click on it see it bigger)
MLV imbibed some of GNB's style in her renditions. She was a fast paced singer with a brigha laden voice,but in the later years, she slowed down. She had the natural flair for rendering ragams. She would handle ragams like Kalyani, Todi, Bhairavi, Kharaharapriya, Latangi, Harikambodi, Kambodi, Keeravani, Purvikalyani, Shanmukhapriya, Shankarabharanam, Madhyamavati, Shuddasaveri effortlessly and render them with full of raga bhavam. She was adept in grahabhedam or modal shift. She used to glide through easily from the main ragam to the derived ragam. Unless, a musician had strong grasp of the basics and was quick thinker, it is difficult to do grahabhedam in a concert setting. In a lec-dem situation, grahabhedam can be handled at leisure. At the same time, she was at ease in rendering uncommon ragas like Bhavani, Hamsa vinodini, Urmika, Sumanesha ranjani etc. A senior violinist once remarked 'MLV is a genius and her raga delineations are so original that from one day to the next, she would render ragas with totally new sancharas.' I have heard her render many ragas like Rishabhapriya, Nathabhairavi, Natakapriya with uncommon ease.

Many music organizations all over the globe had honored MLV with titles and awards. In recognition of her scholarship, service to Carnatic music. She was honored with a Doctorate degree, a Padma bhushan from the Govt. of India, a title of Sangita Kalanidhi from the Madras Music Academy, just to name a few.

MLV popularised Purandara Dasa and other Dasa kritis just like her mother did a generation before. She had a wide repertoire of songs and sang compositions of many modern day composers. She was a popular play-back singer in many movies. She trained several students, many of them are the front-ranking musicians today. Some of the notable musicians who have studied under MLV include Trichur Ramachandran, Charumathi Ramachandran, A. Kanyakumari, Sudha Ragunathan, Vanaja Narayanan, T.M Prabhavathi, Meena Subramaniam and Jayanthi Mohan. MLV also helped young percussion vidwans like Mannargudi Easwaran, Srimushnam Raja Rao, Tiruvarur Bhaktavatsalam, R.Ramesh, Karaikudi Krishnamurthy, G. Harishankar (kanjira) and others establish themselves by encouraging them and giving them opportunities to accompany her in concerts.

Here is a Ragam Tanam and pallavi by Smt. M L Vasanta Kumari

Accompaniment details not known.

Smt M L Vasanta Kumari
Ragam Tanam pallavi in Kalyani


01 Ragam Kalyani.mp3
02 Tanam Kalyani.mp3
03 Pallavi Kalyani.mp3
04 Baro Krishnayya.mp3

Duration: 55 Mts

Size: 50.5 MB


Let us enjoy good music.

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