Saturday, July 7, 2007

Oh God!
I thank you, and the three great hearts who chose to comment on my work.
I was under the impression that blogs are a waste of time and nobody is serious about them.
I am so happy that a netizen not only proved it wrong, but also chided me about my attitude.
Thanks friend, for the comment!
I dont think I have ever boasted that I am great man.
I am still trying to find my footing in this world.
I have written so much. But I shudder to claim that I am a writer.
Did I really bring to the readers at least one idea that I can call really mine?
Back in the university days, poet friends of mine called me "an ever budding poet". I still remain an ever budding everything.

I have a small web site too. The metre there shows that many people are visiting the pages. Hardly anyone takes time to send a word, not necessarily appreciation. Still,I am doing what all I do, to just satisfy myself. Now I will take this work a little more seriously. I will not be indulging in this talk about me and my ideas. I will do something that helps me first and then others too.

1 comment:

  1. "I have a small web site too. ... Hardly anyone takes time to send a word, not necessarily appreciation. Still,I am doing what all I do, to just satisfy myself. ... ..."

    I find that there is no direct link
    for feedback at the tripod (correct
    me if I am mistaken) . people are a
    bit lazy in sending mails ...

    and I am happy that you have not
    left writing on the web sites . I
    would love to see your blogging in
    Telugu !
